Some Flexible Criteria for Good, Bad, and User-Unfriendly Web Sites
These characteristics were developed through student analysis. They are not meant as strict rules, but rather as some general tactics for approaching design. They of course can be broken effectively on certain occasions.


Characteristics of a "Good" Web Site:


  • feel of allowing one to pursue interests
  • meaningful, useful content
  • functioning links
  • quick load time
  • Appropriate to intended audience
  • user friendly
  • metaphor of site is appropriate for content
  • clear sense of value or purpose
  • appealing home page
  • instructions for use when appropriate
  • date to show recent update
  • descriptive title
  • tie in between site & company (consistent branding)
  • coherence & unity in navigation
  • works in all browsers and operating systems


  • designed for 800x600 or 640x480 monitor resolution (main design/content doesn't have to scrolled)
  • teasers for main content
  • pulls eye of viewer in purposeful, intentional way
  • uniformity or coherence in icons and images
  • coherence in design/layout


  • color is not distracting to content
  • consistency in color scheme
  • color theme
  • background color doesn't compete with text
  • pleasing color scheme
  • variety of colors, not too dull


  • quality images without long download wait
  • original looking images
  • professional-looking
  • consistency of image style


  • readable text size
  • text that is to the point
  • good font selection


  • identifying logo on all pages
  • one-click access to site's highlights
  • organized
  • well considered names/descriptions for navigation categories
  • creative approach to button or navigation icon design
  • link to home page
  • search box for large site


  • use of hierarchy
  • easy access to major categories/important information
  • good chunking of information
  • categorization of links
  • smart organization


  • interactivity that has a purpose
  • rollovers show what is active or clickable
  • chatrooms or bulletin boards allow for public display of feedback/commentary
  • ability to customize interface
  • features keeps user engaged
  • user control
  • promotes exploration where appropriate

Special Features

  • users able to record their creations
  • option to quit shockwave or flash movies
  • search box/feature
  • good, quick availability of purchasing
  • FAQ section
  • email link to company/webmaster
  • interactivity compliments site's purpose
  • good amount of creativity reflects positively on company
  • variety of media types for understanding content or subject matter
  • option to skip introductory movies/splash pages
  • entertainment while larger files load
  • sense of motion or movement
  • sound or music where appropriate

Characteristics of a "Bad" Web Site:


  • bad/no titles
  • too much scrolling/too much text
  • rules or restrictions for use
  • plugin necessary for use
  • page counter
  • ads
  • pop-up windows
  • inability to resize window


  • lack of uniformity or coherence
  • lack of alignment
  • clutter
  • too crowded


  • lack of a unified color scheme
  • bright/obnoxious colors


  • poor quality images
  • distorted images
  • ugly/obnoxious backgrounds


  • too small
  • too much text/content per screen
  • unreadable text because of color or contrast
  • spelling errors
  • blinking text


  • broken links/images
  • buttons too small or invisible
  • undescribed links
  • unusable/confusing navigation
  • hard to find links


  • poor organization of content
  • poor organization of navigation/hierarchy


  • pointless interactivity
  • inability to skip interactivity
  • interactivity that runs counter to site's goals/purpose

Special Features

  • inability to shut off special features lie music
  • screen real estate occupied by "partner sites"
  • forced or unannounced download
  • having to register to use a site
  • annoying sounds/music
  • cheesy/purposeless animated gifs