Response to Palloff and Pratt Chapter 1- "When Teaching and Learning Leave the Classroom"

The purpose of this activity is to help us begin consideration of practical and theoretical concerns related to online learning and teaching. Begin by reading the preface and chapter 1 of Palloff and Pratt (this is a link to a PDF of the reading if you don't yet have your book). In addition to addressing the questions below, you should also read and respond to the postings of at least two classmates.

  • An important theme throughout this book and the others we will read this semester is consideration of the differences in pedagogical approach between traditional, face-to-face classes and online classes. After reading the "Online Issues and Concerns" section (pages 6-8) which issues seems most significant to teaching in your area of interest and why?

  • On page 8, Palloff and Pratt list characteristics of successful students in distance education programs. What do you think of this list and are there any characteristics you would add or delete? Explain why.

  • A big focus in the chapter 1 (and throughout the book) is constructivism, active learning, and the development of community. Based on your own learning experiences (and teaching experiences if you have them), what do you think of this argument and why? Pay particular attention to the discussion on pages 15-18.

Post your introduction to the Blackboard discussion thread titled "Palloff & Pratt Chapter 1 Response".