Self-Introduction and Profile

Since this course does not meet face-to-face during our first session, the purpose of this assignment is to introduce yourself to your classmates and to me. You will be collaborating on assignments and responding to each other's work throughout the course, so it is helpful to find out a little about who everyone is (though I recognize that many of you already know each other).

You should create your introduction as a profile in Blackboard by clicking "Roster" and then "edit profile". You are welcome to write the introduction however you like. It doesn't need to be overly personal, but please tell us about who you are and what you do (for work or school and for fun). You might include information about activities you are involved with, where you are from, and what you enjoy doing for fun. Tell us something we can all remember you by. Additionally, tell us a little bit about your academic background and goals. Address at least a few of the questions below:

  • What academic area are you studying and what about it interests you most?
  • What experiences, formal or informal, do you have with teaching?
  • Briefly describe what kinds of learning experiences are typically most productive for you and why.
  • What kind of work, if any, do you currently do and where do you do it? In what ways is this work similar to or different from what you hope to do professionally once you graduate?