Making Your Own Web Home Page
module last modified: February 25, 2002

You can do this module on both PC and the Mac.

This is yet another one of those modules that could have you living in the lab—not because it is a difficult or inherently time-consuming module, but because it allows you to be as creative as you want (or at least as creative as HTML allows). In this module you will be introduced to:

Spend some time cruising the Internet to get some sense of the different things you can do with a Home Page. (Some of the cooler things you see while cruising will be beyond the scope of this module, but this module will give you a sense of how you can learn what you need to learn in order to produce an incredibly hip, character-satisfying Home Page.) If you are stuck on where to start looking, check out the listings for "Personal Home Pages" here

Go to Spend some time reading through the Online Web Style Manual. This site has information about what kinds of strategies to use when designing a site. You must begin thinking about design issues now. Be critical, be watchful, and be thoughtful when designing your own web pages.

You may also want to look at This site contains great information, sample sites, how-to tutorials, and articles on Web design. It is a really handy reference if you get stuck while doing this assignment or if you want to try something that is more complicated.

After you have done some cruising, imagine what you want your Home Page to do and to look like. What sorts of information do you want to convey about yourself and your interests and pursuits? What sorts of graphics do you want to incorporate?

Now write a 250-500 word analysis describing what you think makes good web page and what you think makes a bad web site. Explain your design strategy for your own site. Write this essay before you begin designing your web page.

Create a page that reflects you and your particular place in and connections to this culture of ours. The steps of this module do not lead you into making the same document as everyone else; you have some freedom with the content of your page. But your Home Page should incorporate at least the following:

Making the folder that holds your Home Page files and setting it up so other people can see those files from Netscape, Internet Explorer, or Opera.

  1. First, you need to set up a folder on your Home Directory that other people can access. The way your Home Directory is now set up, no one else (except, technically, the System Administrator) can see anything that you have on your Home Directory—so, since a Home Page is a set of files on your Home Directory that other people can see, you need to give others the privilege of seeing something on your Home Directory.

  2. On a Mac, Find NiftyTelnet 1.1 SSH r3 on the Mac (remember the first Assignment?). It is not under Local Applications, so to access it, open the Macintosh HD icon on the desktop>Applications>NiftyTelnet 1.1 SSH r3.

    On a PC it is directly under the start menu.

  3. Once Telnet is open, choose "Open Connection" (Mac) from the File Menu or under the "Connect" menu (PC) choose "Remote". A dialog box will appear:

    Make sure that "" is entered next to "Host/Session Name."

  4. Click "Connect". On a PC, after a few seconds, a new window—a Telnet window, as illustrated below in step 5—will open. In this window, you will be able to type in commands to the server. At the prompt that appears, type in your userid and press return. Type in your password (you won't see any letters appear on screen, so that no one can see your password) and press return. This will log you into a UNIX shell on one of the CCLI servers. UNIX is the language by which our network runs.

    On a Mac, a SSH Login box will appear. Type in your User Name and Password. Then click "Login".

  5. After the server accepts your name and password, the Telnet window will look like this (only with your userid before the prompt):

  6. Type in "ls" (the letters el and ess) at the prompt and press the return key.
    "ls" is a UNIX command that tells the computer to list all the files and folders on the first level of your home directory. The Telnet window should look something like this after you press return (although your Home Directory probably has fewer files than this):

    Make sure that there's a folder named "public_html" among the listing of files and folders.

  7. If "public_html" doesn't exist in the listing of the files & folders, type in the following at the prompt:
    mkdir public_html

    Then press the Return key. This will create a folder called "public_html."

  8. Now you are ready to change the access privileges of your "public_html" folder:
    At the prompt, type the word: permissions
    Press the return key on the keyboard.

  9. You have finished changing your privileges, and can now exit Telnet. Type the word: logout
    and press return to log off of the UNIX shell.

  10. Quit Telnet by selecting Quit from the File menu.

    You are now ready to start putting your Home Page together.

Starting to work with HTML

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the programming language you use to make Home Pages. You write HTML code on a page in a simple word processor, and then tell Netscape or Explorere to convert that code into a Web page.

HTML is not a complex language; basically, you embed "tags" into a piece of text, telling the Web browser how you want it to format that text. You also use simple commands to tell the browser where to place graphics and how to link your page to other Web pages.

First you will make a very simple Web page, and then you will learn how to make it more interesting…

  1. On the Mac, open the "SimpleText" application. On the PC open "Notepad" or "Wordpad".
    These are very simple text editors. SimpleText is under Local Applications on the Apple Menu. Notepad is under Start>Programs>Accessories

  2. Type the following words:
    <title>My Page</title>
    <p> <h4>Hello, my name is Jennifer</h4></p>
    <p> <h2>I like to eat.</h2></p>

    (You can replace "My Page", "My name is Jennifer", and "I like to eat" with anything you want.)

    Things to notice (but don't worry if this doesn't make sense yet: it will make more sense when you see your page): the information in brackets— < > —is what formats the text that is in between all the bracketed information. The bracketed information is called "tags", because it "tags" the text.
    Notice, too, that almost every tag is repeated later in the document, but with a slash (/) before the information in the brackets. Tags are like switches: the first time you put in a tag (called the "start tag"), it's like saying to the browser, "Start formatting here"; when you give the </…> information later (the "end tag"), it's like saying, "Okay, turn off the formatting now." (As you will see later, not all tags get an end tag—but when you are formatting text, you almost always use start tags and end tags.)

  3. To see the page, first you must save it. Save it into the "public_html" folder on your Home Directory. When you save it, name it "index.html" This is crucial: in our network system, your file must have this name for your page to show up as your default Home Page (i.e. the address would be Where "jasheppa" would be your own userid.)

    NOTE: If you already have a set of Web pages and don't want this project to override it, give it the name "htmlproject.html".

  4. Open Netscape or Explorer (while leaving SimpleText or Notepad open).

  5. Choose File>Open File in Explorer or File>Open>Page in Navigator in Netscape and open the file you just saved.

    Notice that the name of the open window changes to what you typed in-between <title> and </title>.

    Notice also that the words you put between <h4> and </h4> are smaller than the words between <h2> and </h2>: these are the tags for making headers in text.

    The <p> and </p> tags tell the Browser where to put paragraph breaks.

  6. Switch back to SimpleText or Notepad, and modify your HTML code to look like this:
    <title>The Beginning</title>
    <p> <h6>Hello, my name is Jennifer.</h6></p>
    <p> <h1>I like to eat.</h1></p>
    <p> And here's some text about something or other....</p>

    Notice that I changed the headers, and added some text without header tags. The text without header tags will appear in the default typeface you can set up in your browser preferences (if you have never done this, you can do it by choosing Edit>Preferences).

  7. Save the file, go back to Netscape, and click the Reload button at the top of the Netscape window. This forces Netscape to reload your file to screen. Notice how the changes you made in the code appear on screen.

    (Note that, if you make any changes to your SimpleText or Notepad document that you must save it before you reload it in the browser.)

    Those are the basics on creating a simple page and formatting text.

Adding Graphics
You can use any graphic you want on a Web page, but it must first be saved in one of three special formats, gif, jpg, or png. PhotoShop can do this for you, so—before you go onto this step, you will want to decide what graphics you want to use and which format they should be in. To learn more about which format is correct for your images, visit this brief description. These steps are basically the same regardless of which type of computer you are using.

  1. Open your graphic from within PhotoShop.
  2. Make sure the graphic looks exactly as you want.
  3. If you want to save your image in gif format, you have two options:
    1. Choose "Save As..." from the File menu. A dialog box will open that allows you to change your graphic into a form that a browser can open and display. Under the Format drop-down menu, choose "CompuServe Gif". If you are saving from a PhotoShop .psd file, PhotoShop will automatically insert a space and the word "copy" into the name. Get rid of this word and be sure that your name does not include any extra spaces, strange characters or slashes (slashes indicate to HTML that it can find a file by looking in a subdirectory and we don't want that here).

      You should also be sure to specify that the image is saved in the same folder (public_html) as the HTML file you are working on.

  4. Another dialog box like the one below will open up asking you about your "Indexed Color" options. Leave the settings as is for now, but keep in mind that this box will allow you to adjust the number of colors visible in your image (thereby effecting its size and look). Click OK.


    A second dialog box like the one below will open up asking you if you want your gif to load as one image or in interlaced fashion. For now, leave it as normal, but later on, consider experimenting with the interlaced options to see what it does. You can read about it at

    Click "OK", and see what the results look like. If your file name still says .psd at the top of your image, you will have to open the .gif one separately (PhotoShop created a copy for you so the layers in your original would not be lost).

    If you do not like the results, choose "Undo" from the Edit menu, or close the .gif image and return to the original and then choose "Save as..." again. In the "Indexed Color" box, try other settings. Keep experimenting until the graphic is acceptable to you.

    1. You may also save your image as a gif by going to File>Save for Web. Click on the 4up tab at the top of this new screen. Four versions of your image, each with different settings will be displayed. Click on one of these images and place with the number of colors available in the dialog box on the right side of the screen that looks like this:

      Notice how the file size of the image changes based on the number of colors or others selections you make. When you are satisfied with your selections, click on the image so that a black box surrounds it and click OK.

      In the dialogue box that appears, be sure that the name and location are correct and that the Format menu is set to "Images Only. Click OK.

  5. If you want to save your image in jpg format: Make sure that RGB is selected from the Mode submenu under the Image menu and choose jpg format from the "Save As..." menu. Again, be sure that the image is saved in the same folder as your .html file.

  6. Go back to your HTML document (you may need to reopen SimpleText). Add this line in the code where you want your graphic to appear (but be sure you put this line in between the <body> tags):
    <IMG SRC="yourFileName.gif">

    Be sure that you replace "yourFileName" with the name you gave your file. For instance, if you have an image file named jennifer.gif, you'd type in:
    <IMG SRC="jennifer.gif">

    Spelling correctly is necessary, but HTML is not case sensitive (i.e. it doesn't make a difference if you call your image EIFFEL.jpg or eiffel.jpg

  7. Save the file, open a browser, and choose "Open File" and open your HTML file.
    Your image should appear. If it does not, check that your spelling is exact, and that you saved your image to your "public_html" folder.

    Follow these steps for any graphic you want to appear on your page. Experiment with putting your graphic in different places on your page. To do this, move the "<img src=…>" tag around in the HTML file (but still keep it between the <body> tags ).

Adding links

  1. Find another Web page that you like, and copy its URL from the Location line at the top of the browser window.

  2. Add this line to your HTML file (again, you can put this line anywhere, between the <body> tags): <a href=""> A page that I like </a>

    Replace the URL in this line ("") with the URL you copied. (And note that there must be quotation marks around the URL you enter.)

  3. Save your HTML file, and go back to Netscape. Open your file (or reload it if you already had it opened).

    The line of code you just added will appear as underlined text; if you click it, it will take you to the URL you like.

    All you have to do to make a link is incorporate it into an <a href=…> tag, and end it with the </a> tag end. Whatever text you put in-between the 2 tags will be underlined, to indicate to browser users that the text is a clickable link to somewhere else.

That's it…
Well, sort of… The information above should give you enough tools to make a simple, working Web page. But you say you want to do more? Well, check out these Web sites for information on doing more on your page:

Some sites with more thorough introductions to HTML:

Some sites on using color:

For artwork and backgrounds:
Also check out the Clip Art links on our class resource page at

For more advanced HTML:

And, for a long list of sites dealing with HTML, check out:

And one of the most useful things you can do if you are interested in doing more is to check out other people's pages. Find a Web page you like a lot, and choose "Source…" from the View menu. This will allow you to see the code for that page—it will help you see other tags you can use, and cool ways of using the tags you know.

ALSO! There are lots of people in the CCLI who know a lot about HTML. Keep your ears open while you are working, and don't hesitate to ask others for help. That's how you find people with similar interests and how you expand your head.

When you are ready to "publish" your page…
If you would like to have your page entered into the listing of Humanities Department Home Pages, send an e-mail message to, telling me that your page is ready to go. As the department Web Master, I will make sure your page is added to the listing of all Humanities Home Pages.

If you would prefer not to post your website to this listing, skip this step. This means that you will have to actually tell others the location of your page or let them find it through a search engine.

Turn in your essay as usual: save in your Web Assignment folder in one of the TurnIn folders.
Once your page is published, e-mail me the URL so that I may view it. You can double-check that your page is accessible to the world by opening Netscape, and typing in the following: (this will be the correct address only if you named your file index.html)

In place of "yourUserID" type in your log-in name—this is how UNIX (the language by which our network runs) knows how to find your "index.html" file inside your public_html folder.
IF, WHEN YOU TRY TO PULL UP YOUR PAGE, YOU GET A MESSAGE THAT SAYS SOMETHING LIKE "ACCESS DENIED", then your privileges haven't been set properly—you may have followed all the above steps just right, but sometimes the network refuses to listen. Go back to the telnet portion of this module and reset your permissions.

Turned in on time 10
Essay on web design strategies 15
A well-functioning page 25
A creative page (meaning you did more than the basics described here) 25
Instructor's Discretion 10
Basic points 85

Bonus Points
Create a link from your home page to a page that shows your GifBuilder and Image Ready project. Include a link to email you on this page. Write 200 words explaining what differences you see between the three projects.
Bonus Points......................15
Total Points .....................100

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