UNIX Commands and Information

UNIX web sites:

UNIX is case sensitive. All commands are in lower case.

Basic UNIX Commands (Use on Telnet):

login - userID
password - same as getting into the system
logout - leaves system (exit does too)
passwd - to change password
pwd - gives the path to where you are
mkdir - makes a new directory [ mkdir hu2644 ]
rmdir - removes directory
cd - opens a directory [ cd hu2644 ]
cd .. - closes directory
logout - will exit telnet
exit - will exit telnet [on a mac, also go to File>Quit]
ls - lists the contents of the directory [ ls hu2644 ]
ls -l - gives the size of a directory (one with only files, no subdirectories)
|more - adding this to a command will allow you to use the enter button
to scroll through the list of files in a large folder
du -s - gives the size, in Kilobytes, of your home directory
quota -v - finds your available disk space
mv - changes the name of the file [ mv berry.doc mod1.doc ]
rm - removes a file [ rm berry.doc ]
pine - opens a mail program
I - opens in-mail folder
D - deletes message
U - cancels delete command
N - goes to next message on list
P - goes to previous message
R - replies to message
C - to write a new message
Control & X - to send the email
Y - yes to send message
N - no to not send message
L - opens folders in pine [inbox, sent_mail, etc.]
M - goes to main menu
Q - to quit pine
Y - to remove deleted messages
N - to not remove deleted messages
pico - a text editor, allows you to work in ASCII format [pico index.html ]
control x - closes document, then hit 'y' for saving it as the same name
permissions - allows outside access to public_html documents
chmod - controls access to your files [ chmod 755 -R berry.doc ]
who - lists who is signed onto the system
talk - allows direct communication with others on the system
man man - manual pages
finger - finds information about someone [ finger freeman ]
lpr - to print a document [ lpr berry.doc ]
bc - displays a calculator
quit - leaves calculator and some other programs
cal - displays a calendar
date - gives date and time from system

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