
The following indicates the percent value for course assignments:


Participation and Collaboration

As this is a graduate level course covering a wide disciplinary subject area, it is critical that you are an active and respectful participant in all activities. I expect that you will read all assigned material and that you will engage in thoughtful, critical dialog with your classmates. In order to explore the breadth of theoretical and pedagogical issues concerning professional and technical communication, we will need to rely on the work and resources each of us brings to this experience. Throughout the semester, we will take turns facilitating discussions, sharing collected materials and research, and providing feedback on syllabi in development. Your sustained engagement in this process will create a rich learning environment for yourself and your classmates and will help to construct a network of intellectual support for your teaching and/or professional development.



I expect graduate students to attend all class meetings (except in the case of an emergency, sickness, or absence related to a conference presentation). If you have more than 2 absences, your grade will be negatively affected.


Plagiarism and Ethics

You have to do your own work and appropriately identify work that is collaborative, borrowed, or copied from other sources, including your own work from other classes. When you use graphics, works, words, citations, or even ideas from other sources, you are under the legal and ethical obligation to identify these sources according to citation norms. If you have any questions, please contact me. Using work that is not yours and not appropriately identifying it will usually result in an F for an assignment if not the course.


If you have a disability that affects you as a student in this class you are invited to notify me and/or call the Disabled Student Programs Office at 646-6840. Your notification will remain confidential.