Assignment Listing and Point Values

Modules (all worth 100 points with completed bonus, except for the scanning assignment which is worth 50)- total=1450 points possible:

  1. Eudora/Word/Netiquette
  2. Excel
  3. PowerPoint
  4. Scanning (worth 50 points
  5. RoboHelp
  6. PhotoShop (parts 1 and 2)
  7. Illustrator
  8. FireWorks
  9. PageMaker
  10. GifBuilder
  11. HTML
  12. DreamWeaver
  13. Flash
  14. Director
  15. Bryce or Poser (choose 1)

Reading and Writing Assignments (all worth 50 points each)- total=400 points possible:

  1. Syllabus Response
  2. Reading Response for "Absolute PowerPoint"
  3. Reading Response for Meggs' Chapter 1
  4. Reading Response for Meggs' Chapter 2
  5. Reading Response for McCloud interview
  6. Reading Response for Wysocki's "Impossibly Distinct"
  7. Multimedia CD comparison response
  8. Reading Response for excerpt from iMovie book

Consultant Certification- 100 points

Final Project- 200 points

Total Points Possible 2150

Extra Credit (PDFs and Negative Scan) 50 points

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