Course Schedule
This schedule is subject to change based on student needs. Please check it regularly to stay up-to-date on assignments. Additional links for reading response questions and classroom activities will be added.

WEEK 2- Meets Online, Asynchronously

W 1/19


  • Palloff & Pratt- Chapter 1: "When Teaching and Learning Leave the Classroom"


WEEK 3- Meets Face-to-Face (F2F) on Monday and Online, Asynchronously on Wednesday
M 1/24


  • Palloff & Pratt- Chapter 2: "Recontextualizing Community"
  • Palloff & Pratt- Chapter 3: "The Human Side of Online Learning"


  • Syllabus and course assignments overview
  • Discuss readings
W 1/26


  • Palloff & Pratt- Chapter 4: "Practical Considerations in Online Learning"
  • Palloff & Pratt- Chapter 5: "Managing the Relationship to Technology"


  • Read directions for short reflective paper on online vs. F2F experiences
  • Post a question about the readings to the Blackboard discussion thread "Palloff & Pratt chapters 4 & 5"
  • Respond to the questions of at least two of your classmates and engage in discussion of comments made by others

WEEK 4- Meets Online, Asynchronously on Wednesday
M 1/31

Class cancelled

W 2/2


  • Palloff & Pratt- Chapter 6: "Moving Teaching and Learning Online
  • Palloff & Pratt- Chapter 7: "Building Foundations"


  • Take Distance Learning and Technical Skills Self-Evaluations
  • Post a question about the readings to the Blackboard discussion thread "Palloff & Pratt chapters 6 & 7"
  • Respond to the questions of at least two of your classmates and engage in discussion of comments made by others

WEEK 5- Meets F2F
M 2/7


  • Palloff & Pratt- Chapter 8: "Promoting Collaborative Learning"
  • Palloff & Pratt- Chapter 9: "Transformative Learning"


  • Post a question about the readings to the Blackboard discussion thread "Palloff & Pratt chapters 8 & 9"
  • Respond to the questions of at least two of your classmates and engage in discussion of comments made by others

W 2/9


  • Palloff & Pratt- Chapter 10: "Student Assessment and Course Evaluation"
  • Palloff & Pratt- Chapter 11: "Lessons Learned and a Look Ahead"


WEEK 6- Meets Online, Asynchronously
M 2/14



  • Read and respond to at least two classmates' papers via Blackboard
W 2/16


WEEK 7- Meets Online, Asynchronously
M 2/21


  • Hewett & Ehmann- Chapter 2: "Theoretical Perspectives in Online Writing Instruction (OWI)" (PDF)
  • Hewett & Ehmann- Chapter 3: "Online Writing Instruction in Asynchronous Environments" (PDF)
  • Warnock- Chapter 11: "Response: Give Lots of Feedback without Burning Out"


  • Complete asynchronous response to student draft using guidelines from Hewett and Ehmann (summarized on page 88) and post to Blackboard.
    • Proposal Assignment Directions
    • Sample 1- Proposal to prevent the infestation of aquatic zebra/quagga mussels into Lake Powell
    • Sample 2- Proposal to Introduce Balanced Shift Schedules and Improve Employee Communication
    • Sample 3- Proposal to Increase Employee Retention and Decrease the Number of Agency Nurses Hired

W 2/23


  • Facilitators #1 will post questions for discussing chapters 2 & 3 from Hewett & Ehmann and chapter 11 from Warnock in relation to completed review of student draft
  • Groups will participate in discussion, responding to prompts from facilitators

WEEK 8- Meets F2F
M 2/28


  • Warnock- "Introduction"
  • Warnock- Chapter 1: "Getting Started: Developing Your Online Personality"
  • Warnock- Chapter 2: "Online or Hybrid"


  • Discuss readings
  • Create Skype account (if you don't already have one) and email user name to class

W 3/2



WEEK 9- Meets Online, Synchronously on Monday and Wednesday
M 3/7


  • Warnock- Chapter 3: "Tech Tools and Strategies: Use Only What You Need"
  • Warnock- Chapter 4: "Course Lessons and Content"
  • Warnock- Chapter 5: "The Writing Course Syllabus: What's Different in Online Instruction?"
  • Palloff & Pratt- "Appendix A: Samples of Course Syllabi"


  • Facilitators #2 will post questions for discussing readings and will help moderate conversation in Skype text chat

W 3/9


  • Warnock- Chapter 6: "Organization: Redundancy and Helping Students- and You Keep Things Straight"
  • Warnock- Chapter 7: "Readings: Lots of Online Options, but the Book is Not Dead!"
  • Warnock- Chapter 8: "Conversation: Online, Course 'Talk' Can Become Writing"


  • Facilitator(s) #3 will post questions for discussing readings and will help moderate conversation in Skype text chat

WEEK 10- Meets F2F on Monday and Online, Asynchronously on Wednesday
M 3/14


  • Warnock- Chapter 9: "Assignments: Online, Student Texts Drive Them"
  • Warnock- Chapter 10: "Peer Review: Help Students Help Each Other"
  • Warnock- Chapter 12: "Grading: Should It Change When You Teach Online?"


  • Discuss synchronous discussion experience
  • Discuss guidelines for responding to classmates' draft teaching philosophies during next class session
  • Online Teaching Lesson Plan and Activity assignment directions
  • Discuss readings

W 3/16




M 3/21-
F 3/25

WEEK 11- Meets F2F
M 3/28


  • Warnock- Chapter 13: "Pacing and Predictability: Help Students Get Comfortable in the OW Course"
  • Warnock- Chapter 14: "Collaboration: Working in Virtual Groups"
  • Warnock- Chapter 15: Intellectual Property: Plagiarism, Copyright, and Trust"


W 3/30


  • Warnock- Chapter 16: "Virtual Teaching Circles: Leveraging Teacher Time and Effort"
  • Warnock- Chapter 17: "Course Assessment: Taking Steps toward Knowing How Well We Are Doing"
  • Warnock- Chapter 18: "Resources: A World of Help Out There"
  • Warnock- Afterword: Teaching Writing with Technology: A Personality-Driven Endeavor"


  • One paragraph explanation of Final Project option selection and planned topic


  • Discuss readings

WEEK 12- Changing Pedagogies and Students in Online Environments (Meets F2F)
M 4/4


  • Cargile Cook & Grant-Davies- Chapter 1, Davis: "Applying Technical Communication Theory to the Design of Online Education"
  • Cargile Cook & Grant-Davies- Chapter 3, Cargile Cook: "An Argument for Pedagogy-Driven Online Education"


W 4/6 Class cancelled for conference

WEEK 13- Collaboration in Online Environments (Monday's Class meets F2F, Wednesday's Class Meets Online, Asynchronously
M 4/11


  • Cargile Cook & Grant-Davies- Chapter 8, Kastman Breuch: "Enhancing Online Collaboration: Virtual Peer Review in the Writing Classroom"
  • Vallance, Towndrow, & Wiz- "Conditions for Successful Online Document Collaboration"
  • Shattuck, Dubins, Zulberman- "Maryland Online's Inter-Instutitional Project to Train Higher Education Adjunct Faculty to Teach Online"



W 4/13



  • Read and provide feedback to two classmates' draft Final Project

WEEK 14- Scaffolding and Assessment in Online Environments (Meets F2F)
M 4/18


  • Cargile Cook & Grant-Davies- Chapter 6, Grady & Davis: "Teaching Well Online with Procedural Scaffolding"
  • 2nd reading TBA- selected by facilitators



W 4/20


  • Cargile Cook & Grant-Davies- Chapter 12, Walker: "Activity Theory and the Online Technical Communication Course: Assessing Quality in Undergraduate Online Instruction"
  • Cargile Cook & Grant-Davies- Chapter 14, Cargile Cook & Grant-Davie: "Online Course and Instructor Evaluations"



WEEK 15- Changing Roles for Instructors and Institutions (Meets F2F)
M 4/25


  • Questions about final projects
  • Questions/comments on final tech-rich teaching philosophies
  • Re-cap key issues from semester
  • Re-cap technologies/activities explored in facilitations:
    1. Jing (Rachel & Rebecca)
    2. SoftChalk (E.J. & Mellissa)
    3. Skype (Christine & Lauren)
    4. GoogleDocs (Matt & Cheryl) 
    5. VoiceThread (Kelsie & Gerri)

  • Department course evaluations
  • Survey Monkey evaluation

W 4/27


  • Cargile Cook & Grant-Davies- Chapter 5, Coppola: "Changing Roles for Online Teachers of Technical Communication"
  • Cargile Cook & Grant-Davies- Chapter 18, Wahlstrom & Clemens: "Extreme Pedagogies: When Technical Communication Vaults Institutional Barriers"


M 5/2-
F 5/6

All final work due by Wednesday 5/4

  • drop off final projects to my office (CBW) at 2:30 or post to Blackboard discussion thread